Facebook funding

Erik Nisbet, Rob Bond, and I have received a grant from Facebook for about $50K to study misinformation in the 2020 election. Ours was one of 25 proposal funded out of a pool of more than 1,000 applications. The project focuses on quantifying the harms of misinformation during the election. The announcement is here: https://research.fb.com/blog/2020/08/announcing-the-winners-of-facebooks-request-for-proposals-on-misinformation-and-polarization/

Understanding Problematic Sharing Behavior on Facebook

A research team that I lead is one of 12 inaugural recipients of the Social Media and Democracy Research grants from the Social Science Research Council and their partner Social Science One. The team includes Rob Bond (Ohio State University), Ceren Budak (University of Michigan), Jason Jones (Stony Brook University), and Drew Margolin (Cornell University).

The award provides unprecedented access to anonymous data from Facebook on the sharing of online content. These data will be used to examine a variety of behaviors that could be harm people’s understanding of science, politics and their community, notably including sharing inaccurate information.

A brief description of the project is here: https://www.ssrc.org/fellowships/view/social-media-and-democracy-research-grants/grantees/garrett/

Other grantees are listed here: https://www.ssrc.org/fellowships/view/social-media-and-democracy-research-grants/grantees/

And more details about the types of data to be analyzed are here: https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2019/04/election-research-grants/

New NSF award

I am pleased to announce that the National Science Foundation has funded our collaborative research project, “Measuring and Promoting the Quality of Online News Discussions” (grants IIS-1717965 and 1717688. The project is a joint effort between researchers at the University of Michigan’s School of Information (Paul Resnick and Ceren Budak) and the Ohio State University’s School of Communication. The research team also includes UMSI graduate student Sam Carton.

AEJMC Pol Comm Best Published Paper Award

My colleagues and I are honored to have our 2014 HCR paper named the best paper in political communication by the Political Communication Interest Group of the AEJMC.  If you’re curious, you can download a copy here.

Garrett, R. K., Gvirsman, S. D., Johnson, B. K., Tsfati, Y., Neo, R., & Dal, A. (2014). Implications of Pro- and Counterattitudinal Information Exposure for Affective Polarization. Human Communication Research, 40(3), 309-332. doi: 10.1111/hcre.12028

ICA paper award

My coauthors and I were honored to receive the Top Faculty Paper Award from the ICA Political Communication Division for our paper, “Why Do Partisan Audience Participate? Perceived Public Opinion as the Mediating Mechanism”. A revised version of the paper has now also been accepted for publication at Communication Research.

Dvir-Gvirsman, S., Garrett, R. K., & Tsfati, Y. (In Press). Why Do Partisan Audience Participate? Perceived Public Opinion as the Mediating Mechanism. Communication Research.

Best paper in Political Behavior

Dustin Carnahan, Emily Lynch, and I are honored to have been named inaugural recipients of the “Best Paper in Political Behavior” award at this year’s APSA.  The Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior section gave the award for our 2013 paper, “A Turn Toward Avoidance? Selective Exposure to Online Political Information, 2004-2008.” An abstract can be found here: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11109-011-9185-6.

Collaboration with Stroud receives paper award

A paper that I coauthored with Talia Stroud has received a top-four paper award from the political communication division of the National Communication Association.  Talia and I will be presenting the work in November. Garrett, R. K., & Stroud, N. J. (2012). Decoupling selective approach and selective avoidance. Paper to be presented at the Annual Conference of the National Communication Association, Orlando, FL.


I have been awarded an NSF CAREER award, providing five years of funding to examine the consequences of online news and social media on political misperceptions.  I’m joined in my efforts by a great team of graduate students, including Dustin Carnahand, Ben Johnson, Emily Lynch, Rebecca Riley, and Brian Weeks. More information about the project can be found here.