Congratulations to Brian Weeks, who has accepted a position in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Michigan. He will also have an appointment in the Center for Political Studies at the Institute for Social Research. Brian earned his PhD from the School of Communication at Ohio State University last year, and has spent the past year working with Homero Gil de Zúñiga at the University of Vienna. Brian will be joining a terrific community of scholars, and will be continuing his work on affect and misperceptions.
Author Archives: R. Kelly Garrett
Dr. Carnahan
Congratulations to Dustin Carnahan on successfully defending his dissertation today. Dustin has done some important work exploring the influence of motivated reasoning on selective exposure and its consequences. I look forward to seeing the work reach a wider audience. Next, it’s off to Michigan State’s Department of Communication.
Presentation at University of Michigan
Just back from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor where I presented some on-going work related to online political misperceptions. It was lot of fun: great conversations, thoughtful questions, and a good chance to catch up with old acquaintances while making a few new ones.
Collaboration with Nisbet, Cooper garners media attention
Our paper challenging claims that conservatives are uniquely anti-science has received a fair amount of press this month. We demonstrate that both conservatives and liberals tend to be more skeptical of scientific claims that challenge views commonly associated with their ideology. In our study, conservatives tended to resist accurate scientific claims about climate change and evolution, while liberals questioned equally accurate claims about fracking and nuclear energy. Both groups also became less trusting of the scientific community after reading the evidence-based information.
The article, and our blog posts on the topic, have been covered by numerous outlets. Here are a few examples:
New Republic:
Science Magazine:
Pacific Standard:
Huffington Post:
National Journal:
Congratulations to Carnahan & Peifer
Two students that I have worked with over the past few years have secured tenure-track positions. Jason Peifer will be an Assistant Professor of Journalism in the Media School at Indiana University, Bloomington starting in the Fall. Jason has a professional background in journalism, and is particularly interested in political entertainment. Dustin Carnahan will be an Assistant Professor of Communication in the College of Communication Arts & Sciences at Michigan State University. Dustin shares my interest in politically motivated selective exposure, with an emphasis on the factors that shape when and how this behavior is enacted, and what its consequences are. Congratulations to both of them on reaching the next stage of their careers.
Invited lecture
I was honored to deliver a talk as a part of the University of Missouri Political Communication Institute’s Distinguished Lecture Series. I presented some of my latest work on political misperceptions. PCI has a great group of faculty and is doing some very interesting things.
Best paper in Political Behavior
Dustin Carnahan, Emily Lynch, and I are honored to have been named inaugural recipients of the “Best Paper in Political Behavior” award at this year’s APSA. The Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior section gave the award for our 2013 paper, “A Turn Toward Avoidance? Selective Exposure to Online Political Information, 2004-2008.” An abstract can be found here:
Oxford Handbook of Political Communication now available
I’m delighted to report that the Oxford Handbook of Political Communication is now online. The handbook includes a chapter by Chip Eveland and I discussing the role of communication in promoting political knowledge. The review is already a little bit dated, but I still think there are some interesting ideas there. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199793471.013.018
Online news can both promote and constrain political participation
My recently published collaboration with Jennifer Brundidge, Hernando Rojas, and Homero Gil de Zúñiga shows that consuming and commenting on online news can promote political participation, but that those who comment on counter-attitudinal news tend to be less politically active. Read more here…
New paper at JoC
Talia Stroud and I have a new paper at the Journal of Communication offering further evidence of the distinction between selective approach and selective avoidance, and testing whether Democrats and Republicans engage in different forms of selective exposure. The paper is now available online: 10.1111/jcom.12105